Outstanding Hockey from the Castle Mead Team

Outstanding Hockey from the Castle Mead Team, Dean (captain) Lexie, Eleanor, Sophie, Marley, Tom,  Ayrton, Cameron & Elliot, this week at the Wiltshire Schools qualifier for the County Games.  14 teams played in total. Castle Mead played extremely well...

The Mead Academy Trust is introducing Thrive

The Mead Academy Trust is delighted to announce that it is introducing the Thrive Approach across all of its settings. The Thrive Approach draws on insights from neuroscience, attachment theory and child development to provide a powerful way of working with children...

Term 3 in Bechsteins

Bechsteins focused a lot of their learning on renewable energy this term, alongside fun activities in PE (Tag Rugby and Art (talking photos following the ‘rule of thirds’ technique).  The term finished with a fantastic trade show where the children...
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