Local Governing Body

Castle Mead School is part of EQUA Mead Learning Trust. The responsibility for the strategic management of the school is shared between the Headteacher, the Board of Trustees and the Local Governing Body. The Local Governing Body supports the school and has a general responsibility for the strategic management of the school. They are not expected to take detailed decisions about the day to day running of the school – that is the function of the Headteacher.

Castle Mead School’s Local Governing Body (LGB)

Jayne Bullock
Jayne Bullock

Chair of the LGB
Lead for Disadvantaged Learners
Director appointed Governor

Emma Larkham

Ex-Officio Governor

Harriet Phillips
Gaby Simons

Ex-Officio Governor

Harriet Phillips
Theo Gaines

Ex-Officio Governor

Daniel Hobbs
Jean Covington

Local Governor

Daniel Hobbs
Melanie Boyd

Local Governor (Chair)

Daniel Hobbs
Claire Bradbury

Local Governor

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